How do I get a permanent link in Omni?

If you need to save a permanent, stable link to an article, book, e-book, or other record, we recommend using Omni to get a permalink

Steps for creating a permalink in Omni:

1. Use the Omni search feature to locate your item in the library catalogue. 

2. Select the title of the resource to open its full record.

Screen capture showing Omni search results with a red arrow pointing at the article title hyperlink.










3. Select the permalink icon in the "Send to" section.

Screen capture showing Omni article record with a red arrow pointing at the permalink icon.

4. Select copy the permalink to the clipboard or highlight the text and copy. 

5. Paste the copied permalink into its destination. This link will always return users to the library record in Omni where they can view full-text availability options. 


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